
My journey as a licensed massage therapist started in 2004. After graduating from Educating Hands School of Massage, I soon discovered my natural gift for deep tissue massage which led to getting certified in Neuromuscular Therapy. For the past 18 years I’ve run a successful massage practice and specialized in pain management.

Piper Shields & her RX2600 in the Robotic Therapy room.

My clients have always appreciated the quality of work I provided. However, I was left feeling frustrated wanting to achieve better results. I wanted to see them completely pain free. After experiencing Robotic Therapy firsthand, I knew it was my missing link. The robot’s design and engineering surpass what human hands are physically capable of achieving. There lies the perfect combo and my secret sauce! Combining knowledge of anatomy with state-of-the-art technology, my new business, Robotic Wellness, was born!

I’m grateful for the opportunity to incorporate this incredible technology and be home to Miami’s 1st Robotic Therapy pain management clinic and invite you to come and experience it for yourself.

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