
Healing Your: Body • Mind • Spirit

Below are recommendation to assist you on your journey:

Essential Oils

Piper Shields, essential oil advocate and massage therapist

Do you prefer to use natural remedies?!? If you ask me, it’s the best way to go! doTERRA’s essential oils are safe to take internally. Drinking 1 drop of peppermint to soothe a stomach ache or 1 drop of lavender for a nightly sleep aid are different ways I use the oils.

Join us on Instagram, every month for the “Trio Challenge.” During this 1 week challenge you’ll learn about lemon, lavender and peppermint essential oils. Purchase the Introductory Kit and join the group to learn many more uses for these 3 oils!

Click here to purchase the Introductory Kit or any other of doTERRA’s wellness products.

Featured Oil

To alleviate muscular discomfort, Deep Blue is our #1 choice! The two main oils used in this blend are peppermint and wintergreen, you’ll experience a cooling sensation that is felt after topical application. Deep Blue help promotes a healthy inflammatory response to sore achy muscles. Learn More


Sara Howard from Eating to Heal.

Sara Howard at Eating to Heal offers personalized nutrient dense chef services, functional food cooking classes and virtual coaching for individuals and families of all age ranges who are starting to integrate into a healthy and preventative eating lifestyle.

From the nose to the tail or from the seed to the plate, Sara utilizes bio- identical, clean ingredients that aid in supporting the microbiome and metabolism optimization. She sources ingredients that come from local and regenerative farming practices.

Sara and the team at Eating to Heal specialize in providing meals that entice taste buds and are free of inflammatory ingredients such as gluten & grain, refined sugar and lactose. Sara caters to any and all eating styles including but not limited to ketogenic, paleolithic, gluten free, anti-inflammatory, nightshade free, low histamine, elimination, and plant based, ensuring ingredient integrity and nutrient density in every bite. Visit Sara’s website for recipes and meal tips,